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About ENDODONTIA Treatment?

What is Root Canal Treatment?
Under the enamel and dentin layer of the tooth, there is a section called the "pulp", which contains the vascular-nerve package that gives the tooth its vitality. This section extends to the end of the tooth roots. In case of inflammation of the living tissue for any reason, the process of removing the nerve of the tooth and sterilizing and filling the canals is called root canal treatment. There is usually pain and temperature sensitivity in the teeth that need root canal treatment. When these teeth are tapped (percussion), the patient feels pain. In cases that do not show any pain or symptoms, the tooth may be dead. In such cases, there may be swelling of the face (abscess), or the lesion formed by the dental x-ray can be determined and diagnosed.

When is Root Canal Treatment Applied?
It is applied in cases of root tip infection, where tooth decay progresses to the nerves of the tooth and causes pain, where the tooth loses its vitality due to trauma or other reasons.

How is Root Canal Treatment Applied?
First, the patient is given local anesthesia and the tooth decay is cleaned. The nerves in the tooth roots are removed and the root canals are shaped. After the canals are cleaned and disinfected, the canal is filled with filling materials and a temporary or permanent filling is applied depending on the condition of the tooth.

Is root canal treatment a long-lasting treatment?
With root canal treatment, the continuity of the tooth in the mouth is ensured both aesthetically and functionally. However, it is fragile because it loses its vitality. Therefore, it may be necessary to be a little more careful when using it.

Is root canal treatment a long-term treatment?
The duration of treatment may vary depending on the condition and location of the tooth. While everything can be finished in a single session, it can take up to 3-4 sessions, especially in infected teeth.

Is root canal treatment expensive?
Root canal treatment is not an expensive treatment. If the tooth is extracted instead of root canal treatment, the treatment to be done afterwards is much more costly. In teeth with a lot of tissue loss after root canal treatment, if the veneer is applied, the price will increase a little more.


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