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About Esthetic Treatments Treatment?

Aesthetic dentistry; It is the improvement of aesthetic appearance, speech disorders and lost functions with various applications on teeth and gums. Aesthetic Dentistry involves applying various treatment methods to teeth and gums in the light of scientific data in terms of aesthetics, creating the most suitable ideal smile line for the person, and thus arranging the appearance of the gums and making applications on tooth length and tooth color. Studies show that individuals who have healthy teeth and are confident in their smile are more successful and self-confident in social and human relations. In other words, not only dental health but also aesthetic expectations are formed from dentists, and aesthetic dentistry responds to these expectations. The procedure performed in aesthetic dentistry is actually a smile design. Smile design can be expressed as an art that the physician plans and reveals in coordination with the patient. Each person is different from each other in appearance and character, so the restoration of the anterior teeth, in particular, should be designed in accordance with the individual's special wishes, characteristics and speech style. Although the biggest factor in smile design is teeth, it would be wrong to talk about dental treatments only. Gums, lips, chin and even the nose are also very effective factors in smile design, and when necessary, it is necessary to shape the lip and chin with gingival aesthetics (pink aesthetics).

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